My overall purpose in life is to ‘bring out the best in others'.
I find myself explaining this to my friends and my clients on a regular basis. I really want people to know that I do my best to bring out the best in them.
This is the third in a series on how to bring out the best in others. I hope you enjoy the series and pick up some ideas on how you can bring out the best in your teams. These are mostly personal stories through the years. I also hope that these are entertaining for you :)
Bring out the best in others - Part 4
About 15 years ago...... this purpose (I also say it’s a ‘calling’) came to the surface in my life. It has been a recurring theme for many years.
I saw this theme in my direct sales roles
I saw this theme in my sales management roles
I saw this theme when I managed teams across cultures or traveled to new places
I saw this theme in my involvement in the local church
I saw this theme in my marriage and family
I saw this theme in the relationship with my son (who was adopted from Bulgaria at a young age
Marriage and Family:
Steph and I knew each other for 13 years before we got married. Yes – I was a bit slow to propose to her :).
It actually all came together when she came to visit me as a buddy in the winter of 2004 in Ukraine. The lightbulbs finally turned on for both of us at the same time. We were married in the summer of 2005 and I moved back to the US to reassume life there.
I would say that Steph and I knew each other well before we got married. She’s detailed, relational, and a bit quiet. I’m a big picture, fueled by relationships and people, and I’m a bit loud sometimes.
Fast forward 16 years. Steph is an incredible teacher. She focuses on kids with special needs. I’m a business guy who thrives off of genuine relationships and likes to try new things as often as I can. Steph decided to volunteer to lead an after-school club that was called ‘Sports Around the World’.
She asked me to help with the club. I threw out a few ideas. But she developed most of it. We ended up both getting quite excited about it and decided to do the club together. She puts together the program each week. She helps the kids study the continents and different countries. Then, after that….I lead a section where we get to try out a popular sport from a specific country/continent that we talk about.
I love working with Steph on this. It really helps to utilize each of our strengths. And…the kids have a great time. They are all wound up when we send them home to their parents.
Wound up, Kids?

Speaking of kids. Somewhere along the way, we found one of our own. And….he’s got his own unique skills, strengths, and abilities as well.
Boji is a 15-year-old boy. He joined our family in December of 2012, adapted from the country of Bulgaria.
Steph and I can’t imagine life without this fun-loving kid. He’s a talented dancer, he loves to perform, sing, and do all kinds of creative things.
We decided early on that we’d try to bring out the best in Boji. He’s still developing and learning. But….when he has an interest in something, we will try to foster than to see if it will be something he likes in the long term.
As I write this, Boji is preparing for a choir performance at his local school. We will watch him belt out fun songs with his friends. He’s fun and dynamic when you watch him perform.
The truth is…we don’t know the future for Boji…what he’s best at or what he will do. Boji technically has some special needs (details for another time…or just reach out to me and I’ll explain more). But…we know he’s got great skills and talents. He brings people joy and life when he interacts with them.
No matter the details of what he does for a career in the future…he will continue to bring joy and life to people.

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